Unknown (found on Pinterest)
Happy Tuesday! My two younger Stooges have returned to school (can I get an AMEN?) and I am enjoying the quiet time. Don't get me wrong...I love my boys with all my heart and will slay all things living and imaginary should anything happen to them. Its the constant bickering that makes me completely nuts and all sense of patience flies out the windows and front door. So, having my daily routine back is quite the Godsend, let me tell you.
While my boys were home during the winter break - that would be my three sons and hubby - my cooking duties had now extended to all three meals, not just dinner. I know, what am I complaining about? I mean, there are women who do it everyday on a regular basis whereas I only do it on vacations and school breaks. So, suck it up, right?
The difference here is...my men are picky. REALLY picky...they'll say they aren't, but, they're lying.
Breakfast is alway rice, at least two types of meat, and two eggs - or, rice and an omelette. In Hawai'i, we eat rice with everything - even spaghetti. Well, I don't, but, there are some who do. Don't tell my youngest to eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast - he'll pitch a fit...a HUGE one.
Sandwiches for lunch are okay...as long as there are chips to go with it. And, dinner...Lord Almighty, if I should ever get dinner wrong, there will be hell to pay. This is where my culinary expertise (ha!) comes into play...
I found this incredibly easy recipe for Spicy Pork (Korean style) online at beyondkimchee.com and I decided to give it a shot
Thank you, Daddy, for the wok - I've had this wok for 15 years - no home should be without one, I think.
I used some pork country style ribs that I bought at Costco and cut it thin - made the sauce according to the recipe, but, doubled it because, hey, I'm feeding 4 hungry guys - this pic is actually a third of the amount that I cooked. Besides onions, I had some left over Won Bok (Chinese Cabbage), cut that and threw it in there. I wished I had gotten a pic of it plated, but, it didn't last long...I served it with rice and macaroni salad (another local staple for some meals) and made 4 guys extremely happy campers. Personally, I don't eat like my guys - breakfast is whenever I remember to eat, I never do lunch and dinner is always half of what my men eat without a lot of the side dishes. It works for me...
While taking the boys in to school, my youngest asked me "What's for dinner, Mom?"
it's 6 freakin 30 in the morning...how the hell am I supposed to know? Oh well, at least it'll give me something to think about today...I wonder what they would say if I told him "SALAD!"?
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