Well, my 4 day weekend came to an end with me having to go back to work today...it was a good day, though, so, it wasn't a complete bust.
The family and I were pretty busy the last few days...cooking, Thanksgiving dinner with my family, dinner with Hubby's family on Saturday, etc. - never a dull moment with us. So, whatever chance I had to sit at my table to do stuff, I used that time wisely...or, tried to...
I take part in a few craft fairs at about this time of year...typically, from October to now, I would have done about 4 already. This year, I could only do three, though, due to my niece getting married and all of us helping with the wedding. So, I had an Aha! Moment and thought...well, I have all these things made, why not do something with them? So, my Holiday Craft Sale was created...
If there is anyone reading this and you live on O'ahu, I will be holding a sale at my home on Dec.1 from 9 am to 3 pm. If interested, please email me and I will send you a copy of the flyer.
I'll be posting pics through out the week of some of the items that will be available and there will also be some supplies available, too. Hope you can make it!
So, this is part of what I did this past weekend...
This is just some of the designs I did...the total amount I did so far is about 55...wish I did more...
I hope to get more done tomorrow and will post those pics, too. For now, have a great night and hopefully, that piece of candy I ate before I got into bed doesn't give me nightmares.
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